MIWF Meelad 2019 welfare activities

MIWF Meelad 2019 welfare activities

17th November 2019

In celebration of the birth of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Minhaj Interfaith and Welfare Foundation (MIWF) organized a series of welfare activities throughout the blessed month of Rabi-ul-Awwal. These activities were a testament to the merciful and compassionate nature of the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and exemplified the spirit of service and volunteerism

Welfare Event for Cancer Patients:

One noteworthy event took place at Noori Hall, Parel, on November 17th, 2019, where MIWF partnered with the Cancare Foundation to conduct a welfare event for cancer patients. The event began with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an by Maulana Ali Muhammad, who emphasized the precious gift of the human body created by Almighty Allah.

He stressed that humans are responsible for maintaining their bodies by avoiding harmful practices and adopting dietary habits outlined in the Qur’an and Sunnah. These habits, he mentioned, could help prevent diseases, including cancer. Maulana Ali Muhammad further emphasized the virtue of patience in the face of illness, as well as the importance of good behavior with relatives and the power of prayer in curing seemingly incurable diseases.

During the welfare event for cancer patients, Maulana Ali Muhammad passionately narrated numerous traditions from the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that underlined the importance of serving fellow human beings without any discrimination based on religion. These traditions exemplified the Prophet's teachings of compassion, kindness, and selflessness, which have become guiding principles for Muslims worldwide.

He recognized their dedication and commitment to helping those in need, highlighting their role as torchbearers of the Prophet's noble teachings. He emphasized that instilling the spirit of volunteerism and servitude in young people from an early age is of paramount importance. He encouraged parents to nurture this spirit in their children by sharing stories from the Seerah (the biography of the Prophet), ensuring the cultivation of a compassionate and empathetic generation ready to dedicate their time, effort, and resources to serve humanity.

Sagir Deshmukh, representing the Cancare Foundation, delivered a comprehensive presentation during the event. He addressed various aspects related to cancer, including its causes, preventive measures, and available sources for financial assistance and treatments. His presentation served as an informative and educational resource for the attendees, equipping them with essential knowledge about this critical health issue.

During the welfare event for cancer patients, Maulana Ali Muhammad passionately narrated numerous traditions from the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that underlined the importance of serving fellow human beings without any discrimination based on religion. These traditions exemplified the Prophet's teachings of compassion, kindness, and selflessness, which have become guiding principles for Muslims worldwide.

He recognized their dedication and commitment to helping those in need, highlighting their role as torchbearers of the Prophet's noble teachings. He emphasized that instilling the spirit of volunteerism and servitude in young people from an early age is of paramount importance. He encouraged parents to nurture this spirit in their children by sharing stories from the Seerah (the biography of the Prophet), ensuring the cultivation of a compassionate and empathetic generation ready to dedicate their time, effort, and resources to serve humanity.

Sagir Deshmukh, representing the Cancare Foundation, delivered a comprehensive presentation during the event. He addressed various aspects related to cancer, including its causes, preventive measures, and available sources for financial assistance and treatments. His presentation served as an informative and educational resource for the attendees, equipping them with essential knowledge about this critical health issue.

The event not only provided immediate support and care to cancer patients but also reinforced the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) regarding service, compassion, and the value of nurturing these qualities in future generations. It was a powerful demonstration of how faith-based organizations like MIWF are actively engaged in addressing important societal issues while upholding the principles of their faith.

Welfare Events for Children, the Elderly, and Patients:

MIWF extended its welfare activities to benefit children, the elderly, and patients in various locations. The Minhaj Interfaith Welfare Team from Bhiwandi, led by Brother Rafiq Shaikh, visited Nakoda Jain Advasi School, where they distributed gifts and sweets to children. Additionally, volunteers carried out the distribution of food packets and gifts at several institutions, including post offices, old-age homes, orphanages, Maharashtra State Transport depots, Civil Hospitals in Ahmedabad, Aasra Kendra for Children in Thane, and more.

These welfare events served as a beautiful demonstration of the teachings of compassion, love, and service embodied by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Through their actions, MIWF volunteers not only celebrated the birth of the Prophet but also reaffirmed their commitment to improving the lives of those in need, irrespective of their backgrounds or circumstances.

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