Phase-2 of Help Feed Project 2016

Phase-2 of Help Feed Project 2016

3rd July 2016

What makes Ramadan particularly meaningful is the sense of empathy it fosters. For Muslims, hunger during the fast is a choice made willingly. However, this experience allows them to gain insight into the daily struggles faced by millions of people worldwide for whom hunger is not a choice but an unfortunate reality.

In Islam, feeding the hungry and helping those in need hold great virtues. This is evident in both the Quran, the holy book of Islam, and the Hadith, the recorded sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The act of providing food to those who are hungry is highly regarded, and it is seen as a means of earning Allah's blessings and forgiveness.

Minhaj Interfaith & Welfare Foundation (MIWF) recognizes the significance of this aspect of Ramadan and initiated the Help Feed Project as a means to distribute essential food supplies to the needy and underprivileged sections of society. This project, organized under various phases, aims to support families during the pre-dawn (Suhoor) and evening (Iftar) meals, ensuring that they have access to the basic necessities of life.

In Phase-2 of the Help Feed Project, MIWF expanded its reach to several locations, including Chintalmet in Hyderabad, Bhuj in Kutch, and Dharavi slums in Mumbai. Through these efforts, ration packets were distributed to families in need, totaling 51 families in Chintalmet, 60 families in Bhuj, and 15 families in Dharavi.

The primary objective of these ration distributions is not only to provide immediate relief but also to raise awareness among the more fortunate members of society. MIWF aims to encourage those with the means to come forward and assist the poorest of the poor, utilizing the resources that Allah has bestowed upon them.

It is important to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of donors and volunteers who play a vital role in making these welfare initiatives possible. Their selfless efforts and generous contributions help ensure that families in need receive essential food supplies during Ramadan.

In Phase-2 of the Help Feed Project, MIWF expanded its reach to several locations, including Chintalmet in Hyderabad, Bhuj in Kutch, and Dharavi slums in Mumbai. Through these efforts, ration packets were distributed to families in need, totaling 51 families in Chintalmet, 60 families in Bhuj, and 15 families in Dharavi.

The primary objective of these ration distributions is not only to provide immediate relief but also to raise awareness among the more fortunate members of society. MIWF aims to encourage those with the means to come forward and assist the poorest of the poor, utilizing the resources that Allah has bestowed upon them.

It is important to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of donors and volunteers who play a vital role in making these welfare initiatives possible. Their selfless efforts and generous contributions help ensure that families in need receive essential food supplies during Ramadan.

MIWF's commitment to the welfare of poor families extends beyond the distribution of ration packets. The organization plans to implement various other projects, including free medical and eye check-up camps, medicine distribution, scholarships, Eid packs, and additional welfare activities in these areas.

As Ramadan continues and these projects unfold, MIWF looks to its donors and supporters to contribute to these noble causes. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who are struggling, embodying the true spirit of compassion, charity, and social responsibility that Ramadan represents. In conclusion, Ramadan serves as a profound reminder of the blessings of food and the importance of helping those who experience hunger daily.

MIWF's Help Feed Project exemplifies the spirit of Ramadan by providing essential food supplies to the needy, fostering empathy, and promoting acts of kindness and charity. Through collective efforts and ongoing support, communities can have a positive impact on the lives of those less fortunate, embodying the true essence of Ramadan.

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