13th December 2016
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) extolled the act of planting trees as a charitable donation. According to a Hadith narrated by Hadrat Anas b. Malik (Radiyallahu anhu), the Prophet (peace be upon him) stated, "It is a charitable donation when a Muslim plants a tree or grows crops, and the birds, humans, or cattle eat from it" (al-Bukhari in al-Sahih, 2:817 Hadith #2195; Muslim in al-Sahih, 3:1189 Hadith #1553).
On the blessed occasion of the birthday of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Minhaj Interfaith and Welfare Foundation (MIWF) undertook a tree plantation initiative in Bhuj. The MIWF team also initiated the restoration of an old circle in a historic location in Bhuj that had been damaged for many years. After the circle was meticulously renovated, approximately 90 small flower trees were planted within the circle, and an additional 30 plants were placed on the road divider.
This noble event received support from the Minhaj Women's League of Bhuj, further demonstrating the collective commitment to this endeavor. Local media outlets also highlighted the event. The tree plantation was carried out under the supervision of Maulana Habib Hussaini, the Director of MQI Ulema Council, and coordinated by Jamal Juneja, the President of MIWF Kutch.
This initiative aligns with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and serves as a charitable act to benefit both humans and nature, exemplifying the spirit of giving and environmental stewardship.